Find A Physician

This directory lists physicians on Delray Medical Center medical staff who choose to participate. The physician is solely responsible for the medical services provided to you. Some listed physicians are employed by an affiliate of Delray Medical Center, are participants in an Accountable Care Organization, and/or offer on-line scheduling. The physicians in these categories are listed first in the rotation of providers who meet your search criteria. Neither you nor the physician are charged for this service. If some physician reviews or ratings are shown, they are not the Hospital’s opinions or endorsements; they are public comments made to the ZocDoc website, and are only provided for your ease of reference. If additional reviews are available for these physicians, you can find them at Zoc Doc website.

To find a physician affiliated with our hospital, select a Specialty* or use the Advanced Search Options to refine your search. You must select a specialty, unless you are searching by last name of physician. 

You can also call our Physician Referral Service: 1-844-474-8378

Our physician referral service can provide a wealth of  information about our doctors and help you make an appointment.

There are many reasons to call on a Delray Medical Center physician.

Whether you are new to the area or just looking for a new physician or specialist for a particular need, call on Delray Medical Center. Our affiliated physicians represent a broad range of medical and surgical specialties. Each is dedicated to helping you stay as healthy as possible.