What you need to know about colorectal cancer

Colorectal cancer. Those are two words no one wants to hear. According to the American Cancer Society, colorectal cancer is the third most common cancer in the United States with nearly 102,480 new cases of the disease diagnosed in 2013. Fortunately, the death rate from colorectal cancer has been dropping over for more than 20 years due to early screenings and improved treatments.

Undergoing testing to diagnose colorectal cancer may be necessary because of abnormal results from a screening exam or if there are symptoms of the disease, such as a change in bowel habits, abdominal pain, weakness, rectal bleeding or blood in the stool.

Diagnosis may begin with a complete medical history and physical examination. Endoscopic tests to check for colorectal polyps also may be necessary, including a sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy (procedures used to see inside the colon and rectum), and imaging tests such as a barium enema, double contrast barium enema or virtual colonoscopy. A biopsy is done on any abnormal-looking tissues that are removed during a colonoscopy to confirm the diagnosis of colorectal cancer.

Other imaging tests may be required to determine if a suspicious area is cancerous, learn if the cancer has spread or find out if treatment has been effective. These tests include computed tomography, ultrasound, magnetic resonance imaging, positron emission tomography and angiography.

Once colorectal cancer had been diagnosed, treatment will be determined based on the stage and type of cancer, how far it has spread, overall health, side effects of treatment and long-term prognosis. Surgery usually is recommended for early stage colon cancer. The procedure calls for the removal of part of the colon and nearby lymph nodes. Some stage 0 or early stage 1 tumors can be taken out by removing the base of the polyp or the superficial cancer and a small margin of surrounding tissue.

Colorectal cancer also may be treated with three different types of radiation therapy, which use high-energy rays or particles to destroy cancer cells.

  • External-beam radiation therapy focuses radiation on the cancer from outside the body;
  • Endocavitary radiation therapy delivers radiation through a hand-held device placed into the anus; and
  • Internal radiation therapy (brachytherapy) involves placing small pellets of radioactive material next to or directly into the cancer.

Chemotherapy, which involves administering drugs either into a vein or orally, can be part of a colorectal cancer treatment plan as well. Neoadjuvant chemotherapy may be given along with radiation before surgery to try to shrink some rectal cancers. Adjuvant chemotherapy is given after surgery in case the cancer returns.

It is important to discuss potential side effects of treatment with your doctor. Most side effects should decrease after treatment, but steps can be taken to reduce or relieve them.

For more information about diagnosing and treating colorectal cancer, talk with your doctor or visit the American Cancer Society Web site at www.cancer.org.

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Support Groups: What You Need to Know

These days you hear a lot about support groups for all sorts of situations and conditions, but what makes them so special? How are they helpful? And how do you find one that fits my needs? All great questions. Here’s a quick primer.

How do support groups work?

Finding others who are in similar situations - whether it be dealing with an illness, undergoing a surgical procedure, managing on-going treatment, or starting a rehabilitation program - can reduce stress and anxiety associated with the unknown. Support groups provide opportunities for participants to ask questions, share their concerns, and talk to people who truly understand their position and perspective far better than most. In addition to a greater level of understanding by those who’ve been there, support groups also communicate an important message: you are not alone. Another bonus of support groups is that members can provide helpful tips and advice on what to expect. Plus, they can offer reassurance based on personal experience. Sometimes just hearing “yes, that’s normal” from one who has been there can be extremely comforting.

What are some types of support groups?

There are support groups for people diagnosed with a specific type of cancer; new mothers and breastfeeding; children and teens undergoing treatment of an illness or other challenges, and for patients who are recovering from heart, brain, orthopedic, or reconstructive surgery. Rehabilitative-related support groups are available to people working to regain mobility after an injury or stroke.  There are also support groups for those who are preparing for procedures. 

What about support for family members?

Not only is it important for those experiencing life-changing events to find help and support, their support system can also benefit. Parents, spouses, caregivers, and others who share in the responsibility of another person can feel overwhelmed or experience higher than normal amounts of stress at times. Navigating available resources and decision-making for a loved one can be daunting as well. So having an opportunity to discuss their feelings with peers can help family members and others closely involved learn to cope with added pressure during difficult times. Besides learning best practices to successfully manage their family’s situation, they are also reminded and encouraged to care for themselves. 

How do I find a support group?

Whatever condition or special need that life presents, there’s more than likely a support group for it. So if you or someone you know is facing some new challenges or considering a procedure and wants to discuss it, consider a supportive option. Like minds understand and are there for you, so no one has to go it alone.


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