Anterior Total Hip Replacement 

There’s good news for those who need hip replacement surgery.

Delray Medical Center offers minimally invasive Anterior Approach Total Hip Replacement – an alternative to traditional hip replacement surgery.

The Anterior Approach allows hip replacement through a single, short incision made over the front of the hip joint without detaching the muscle from the pelvis (hip) or femur (thigh bone).

The muscles important to hip function are not disturbed so patients have less pain and more freedom of movement. As a result, healing can occur more quickly.

About the Anterior Approach

  • A tissue sparing procedure.
  • Makes small incision hip replacement surgery an option for patients who were traditionally not candidates because of weight or build.
  • Unlike traditional hip surgery, a surgeon can work between your muscles without detaching them from the hip or thigh-bones.
  • Seeks to help patients freely bend their hip and bear full weight immediately after surgery – this may result in a faster recovery.
  • Traditional hip replacement surgery, in contrast, typically requires strict precautions for several months.
  • You need to discuss your specific situation and rehabilitation with your surgeon.

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