Proton Therapy

Proton Edge

The South Florida Proton Therapy Institute (SFPTI) is a radiation oncology center that opened in 2018 on the campus of Delray Medical Center. The addition of the Center further expands to level of comprehensive oncology services at Delray.

Led by Medical Director Tim R. Williams, M.D. and featuring some of the most innovative technology available, SFPTI provides those in Palm Beach County and the surrounding communities with a tremendous new resource in the fight against cancer.

We treat a variety of cancers using traditional X-ray radiation therapy, which directs photon beams to a tumor through the body’s surface. We administer treatments using the TrueBeam® Radiotherapy System, which is manufactured by Varian and considered one of the most effective tools in the fight against cancer.

Beginning in summer 2019, SFPTI will have the ability to treat patients with the ProBeam® Compact single-room proton therapy solution from Varian. The ProBeam® Compact allows us to take the next step in revolutionizing cancer care by delivering ultra-effective, high-quality proton therapy treatment plans.

By using proton therapy, we are able to better target and destroy cancer cells, while minimizing the risk to surrounding healthy cells and tissue. This approach is a true game-changer when it comes to treating cancer, and the results are remarkable.

Nearly all cancers — including lung, breast, prostate, head and neck — can be treated with X-ray radiation therapy if necessary.

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More Information

Is It Breast Cancer? Maybe Not.

As women grow and shift into different seasons of womanhood, their breasts do too. Over a woman’s lifetime, her breasts may change in look and feel for many reasons, including, but not limited to:

  • Hormones
  • Aging
  • Breastfeeding
  • Injury

Waking up to sharp pain, spotting nipple discharge on your clothes or noticing a new lump within your breast can be alarming. However, it is important to remember that many non-cancerous conditions may cause these symptoms.

Eight Breast Conditions That Are Not Cancer

When visiting a provider about breast changes, he/she may perform a breast exam and request imaging to screen for a variety of breast conditions, including:

  1. Mastitis- Mastitis occurs when there is swelling in the breast. While mastitis is most common in women who are breastfeeding, it can occur at other points in a woman’s life. It is sometimes accompanied by fever and headaches. A doctor may prescribe antibiotics to treat the conditions.
  2. Fibroadenomas- Fibroadenomas are the most common breast lumps in younger women with periods. This type of breast lump often causes no pain. A fibroadenoma may feel like a firm, rubbery marble within the breast. Most fibroadenomas grow slowly. If you are diagnosed with fibroadenomas, your physician will want to monitor any changes through regular breast exams.
  3. Calcification- This occurs when calcium collects in the breast. You may not know you have breast calcification, but your doctor may see calcification as a bright white speck or dot in your breast tissues on a mammogram. These are common after menopause and are generally connected to benign cell changes.
  4. Fat Necrosis- Fat necrosis develops when breast tissue is injured. Fat necrosis may form an oil cyst, making the skin around the affected area thicker, bruised or red. Usually, fat necrosis does not need treatment, but if it becomes painful, a doctor may recommend surgical removal.
  5. Nipple Discharge- In many cases, nipple discharge is normal and results from fluctuating hormones. Discharge from a normal, healthy breast is called physiological discharge. During some parts of a woman’s life, like breastfeeding, nipple discharge may be expected and welcomed!
  6. Lobular carcinoma in situ (LCIS)- This condition is uncommon but occurs when abnormal cells form in milk glands in the breast. While LCIS is not cancer, it may increase your risk for cancer. This condition is most often diagnosed during breast biopsies performed for other reasons.
  7. Duct Ectasia- Duct ectasia occurs when a milk duct widens and thickens. Sometimes this can cause the milk duct to become blocked. While duct ectasia is more common for women close to menopause, it can occur at other ages.
  8. Fibrocystic Breast Changes- Fibrocystic breast changes happen when the tissue thickens. The affected breast tissue may feel firm or rubbery underneath the skin. This change in women is very common; almost one-half of women will experience a fibrocystic breast change. Hormonal changes are the main culprit.

Make Time for a Mammogram

What is the best thing you can do for your breast health? Schedule regular breast screenings, like mammograms, and perform monthly self-breast exams. Knowing what your breasts feel like typically can help you identify changes and know when to bring any concerns to your provider.

If you notice something new or experience unexpected pain, do not hesitate to contact your provider. Our care teams are here to walk you through every step of your healthcare journey.


American Cancer Society
Breast Cancer Now
Cancer Research UK
National Institutes of Health

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