Welcome to Acute Rehab at Pinecrest

Welcome and thank you for choosing Delray Medical Center and Pinecrest Rehabilitation Hospital for your rehabilitation. We are privileged to be the provider of your medical and physical rehabilitation services.

During your stay in Acute Rehab with the help from our medical professionals, nurses and therapists, you will experience a program that will progress you towards your individual goals.

During your first full day, you will participate in an evaluation with therapy, under the leadership of your physiatrist, that helps you design goals that target the skills needed to continue your road of recovery.

You are expected to participate in 3 hours per day, 5 days per week of therapy. This may include Physical, Occupational and Speech therapy. While we have many skilled specialists, you are the most important member on your rehabilitation team. Our goal for you is to be able to do as much as you can independently. We aim for you to work hard in your program and progress to your highest level of independence.

Your family is an important part of the rehabilitation team. They will come to scheduled training sessions as needed and be asked to provide what they need to know about your care. Please encourage them to come during scheduled therapy hours as able.

If there is a need for any clarification regarding the plan of care, please notify any staff member. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the program OR if you are not satisfied with your care, please ask to speak to a manager or the

director. (If you have concerns that cannot be resolved, we can provide you a copy of our Grievance policy and assist you with the grievance process.)

Thank you,
Your Pinecrest Rehab Team